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Mental & emotional wellbeing

  • Helplines if you are in a crisis

    NHS 111

    SANEline (16:30-22:30) 0300 304 7000

    Samaritans 24/7
    Helpline116 123

    Manchester GMMH 24/7 Helpline 0800 953 0285

    Text SHOUT to 852258

    Caribbean and African Health Network
    07710 022382

    Visit Mind for other crisis services

  • NHS Mental health

    Find information and support for your mental health.

    NHS: Mental health

  • Kooth

    Free anonymous online chat for young people to discuss their mental health issues.


  • What to do if you think you might have a mental health problem

    This video may help you, if you are worried about yourself of someone you know, identify these problems and reach out for support.


  • Samaritans

    Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    116 123



  • Rethink Mental Illness

    Rethink Mental Illness provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.

    0121 522 7007

    Rethink Mental Illness


  • Mind

    Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

    0300 123 3393


  • The Sleep Project

    The Sleep Project’s mission is to make healthy restorative sleep a reality for everyone. Through every stage of life: from babies to children, adults and older adults, through sickness and in health, they want to send you off sweetly to sleep!

    The Sleep Project

  • Keeping Your Teeth in Mind

    People who experience psychosis are at increased risk of experiencing problems with their teeth and gums. For example, they are more likely to have teeth taken out, get fillings and have problems with gum disease. We want to empower and support people to protect against these problems.

    Keeping your Teeth in Mind

  • ORCHA Health App Finder

    GMMH has partnered up with ORCHA (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications) to provide this site for you to choose confidently from all the health apps out there. ORCHA carry out independent and impartial reviews of health and care related apps, and you’ll see that the resultant information is clearly presented for us throughout this website.

    GMMH: APP Finder

  • M-Thrive

    M-Thrive is a community emotional health and wellbeing services for children and young people.
    See the M-Thrive Leaflet for more information.

    0161 455 0211 ext 811


  • Shout

    Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.


    Shout to 852258

  • Living Life To The Full

    Living Life To The Full is one of the most used resources for improving feelings, beating stress and boosting ability to live well. We want as many people as possible from across Greater Manchester to also enjoy these benefits. So we’ve made Living Life To The Full easily available, totally FREE of charge, for all residents.

    Living life to the full

  • Techniques for settling anxiety

    Breathing Exercises
    The Deep Sleep Company: 4-7-8 Breathing

    Butterfly Hug
    Youtube: The Butterfly Hug

    Free Online Course
    Radiant Roots

  • Prioritising Sleep

    Sleep is essential for good mental health and wellbeing but getting good sleep is one of the most common problems people face.

    Youtube: Sleep Hygiene Video

    The Deep Sleep Co: Best Sleep Tip

    The Deep Sleep Co: 4-7-8 Breathing

    The Deep Sleep Co: Mindfulness Exercises

    SilverCloud: Sleep Programme 

  • Silver Cloud

    Programmes in Greater Manchester designed to help improve and maintain wellbeing by addressing underlying issues that can have a negative impact on how you would like to live your life.
    There are five programmes:
    1- Space from Covid
    2- Space for Mindfulness
    3- Space from Stress
    4- Space for Resilience
    5-Space for Sleep.

    Silver cloud health

  • Buzz Manchester

    An NHS Health & Wellbeing Service whose aim is to help improve your health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester, to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives.

    Buzz Manchester

  • Zion & Kath Locke Centres

    Community centres with activities, courses and classes including anxiety, depression and also self-harm weekly drop-in groups, hypnotherapy, massage, yoga, energy healing, Qigong and Reiki.

    Zion Centre

    Kath Locke Centre

  • Age UK – Talking Therapies

    Talking therapies are available on the NHS and involve talking to a trained counsellor about what you are going through or feeling. Your counsellor will help you to consider your thoughts and feelings and how they relate to your behaviours. They can help you to think through your problems in a different way.

    Age UK: Talking Therapies

  • Every Mind Matters

    Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. There are simple things we can all do to look after our mental health and wellbeing – take our quiz to get started today with a free plan, expert advice and practical tips.

    Every Mind Matters

  • Crisis and Out of Hours

    For people already using the Greater Manchester Mental Health services there is a number to ring if you are in crisis or it is out-of-hours.

    Telephone Manchester
    0161 271 0450 

    Telephone Trafford
    01204 390302 

    Crisis Centre

  • 42nd Street

    Are you 11-25? Are you stressed out and need someone to talk to in confidence?
    42nd Street is a centre for young people’s mental health and wellbeing. They offer groups (including a women’s group and a depression & anxiety group) or one-to-one counselling and therapy.
    If you think it’s time to talk, you can refer yourself or ask someone else to refer you to 42nd Street. This might be a teacher, youth worker, parent or carer or someone else you trust.

    0161 228 7321

    42nd Street

  • JNR8 Youth & Community Centre, Whalley Range

    One-to-one support and mentoring, cooking workshops for healthy eating and other youth projects for people aged 11–18 years. Support for whatever issues you may have, including relationships, homelessness, drugs and alcohol and behaviour. Our work has also included work in areas such as homework, confidence building, and dealing with anger issues.


  • Time to Change

    Time to Change is a campaign to change the way people think and act about mental health problems.

    Time to Change

  • Manchester Mind

    Manchester Mind is in independent local mental health charity which delivers services to young people and adults. Our vision is of a city that promotes good mental health and treats people with mental health problems positively, fairly and with respect.

    Mind: Manchester

  • Happy Maps

    A useful collection of mental health resources for children and their families.

    Happy Maps

  • Greater Manchester Suicide Bereavement Information Service

    If you have been bereaved or affected by suicide you can call.

    0161 212 4919

  • Right from the Start

    for people experiencing psychosis for the first time. Getting the RIGHT support early to deal with mental difficulties improves prospects for recovery. Indeed that’s why Early Intervention in Psychosis services developed.

    Right from the start

  • Living with Fatigue and Pain Service

    A Manchester service for individuals with long-term physical health conditions. You can refer yourself.

    Living with Fatigue and Pain Service (PDF)

  • YoungMinds

    Everybody knows how important it is to look after their physical health, but sometimes people forget to look after their mental health. Whether you want to know more about how you’re feeling, get information about a mental health condition or know what support is available to you, YoungMind guides can help.

    Young Minds

  • Greater Manchester Suicide Bereavement Information Service

    If you have been bereaved or affected by suicide you can call.

    0161 212 4919

  • Yoga, meditation and sports

    Deep breathing and co-ordinated exercising and activities are beneficial to mental health and can help reduce anxiety, stress and depression. Meditation, yoga and group activities such as singing, dancing, martial arts and sports can in this way be seen as possible ways to help prevent and settle unsettled emotional states.

    Article on Yoga, Meditation and Anxiety

    Do Yoga With Me

    For some local classes see our Being active

  • Getting out in Nature

    If you are able then getting out in nature can be so helpful to our wellbeing. Locally there are many parks and green spaces such as The Alexandra Park, Longford Park, Chorlton Ees, Turn Moss Playing Fields, Ivy Green, Chorlton Water Park, Hough End Playing Fields and Southern Cemetery.

    Healing Forest

    BBC: 5 Simple Ways Nature Can Help Your Mood

  • Shining a Light on Suicide

    They want to support you if you are bereaved by suicide or concerned that someone you know may be thinking of suicide.

    Shining a light on suicide

  • Creativity

    An article about creativity and wellbeing.

    Radiant Roots: Creativity

  • Meditation not Medication

    The free website ‘Look at Paintings’ innovatively partners techniques of Mindful meditation with Art Appreciation, with the aim of producing immediate benefits to the viewer.

    Meditation not Medication (PDF)

    Look at painintgs

  • Moodswings

    The work of the Charity is based on a belief that people can recover from severe mood problems and move on to lead happier and fuller lives. From its centre in Manchester, Moodswings reaches out across the north west and beyond with a message of real hope and optimism for individuals and their families and friends.


  • Self-harm in Older Adults

    This leaflet aims to give information to people affected by self-harm

    Self-harm in Older Adults (PDF)

  • Rethink

    Help, information and support for all those affected by mental illness.


  • Living Life to the Full

    Offering free resources to help you help yourself.

    Living life to the full

  • BeeFree

    BeeFree is a support hive for mind and movement for people with pain and mental health issues.


  • NHS Types of talking therapy

    Whatever you need to know about coping with stress, anxiety or depression, or just the normal emotional ups and downs of life, the NHS: Types of talking therapy is here to help.

    NHS: Types of talking therapy

  • Related information

    For more information about mental health, ways to cope with it and more visit
    NHS – Mental Health

    One You – Feeling Stressed?

    Workplace stress

    Counselling & talking therapies