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Teens to 20s

  • Health For Teens

    Aimed at High School students in Greater Manchester covering topics such as emotional/mental health, drugs and alcohol, sex and relationships etc.

    Health for Teens

  • Young Person’s eTherapy Service

    A free online interactive eTherapy Service for 11 – 18 year olds to help with how thoughts have an impact on feelings, physical symptoms and behaviours.

    Self help services

  • 42nd Street

    Are you 11-25? Are you stressed out and need someone to talk to in confidence?
    42nd Street is a centre for young people’s mental health and wellbeing. They offer groups (including a women’s group and a depression & anxiety group) or one-to-one counselling and therapy.
    If you think it’s time to talk, you can refer yourself or ask someone else to refer you to 42nd Street. This might be a teacher, youth worker, parent or carer or someone else you trust.

    0161 228 7321

    42nd Steet

  • Kooth

    Online 24/7 support for ages 11-18.


  • FRESH – Sexual Health & Contraception

    FRESH is a city-wide sexual health and contraception services with dedicated clinics for under 25s.


  • When a Parent has Cancer

    Helps you cope when a parent has cancer: riprap is a site is developed especially for teenagers who have a parent with cancer. In riprap, you can learn more about cancer and its treatment and through real stories you can read the experiences of other young people and share your own story.


  • YoungMinds

    Everybody knows how important it is to look after their physical health, but sometimes people forget to look after their mental health. Whether you want to know more about how you’re feeling, get information about a mental health condition or know what support is available to you, YoungMind guides can help.
    YoungMinds also manage a website called HeadMeds – straight talk on mental health medication.

    Young Minds

  • Brook

    Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.


  • Diabetes in Your Teens

    This section is for teenagers with lots of information and support all about Type 1 diabetes. If you or someone you know has diabetes, you may find this useful.

    Diabetes UK: Young Adults, Type 1 Diabetes
    Further diabetes information