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Being active

  • Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit

    The toolkit has been designed by the RCGP in partnership with Sport England, to be used by primary care professionals in the UK.

    Physical activity hub

  • MCRactive

    The site is delivered through a collaboration and partnership between Manchester City Council and Eastlands Trust. Two like-minded and passionate organisations who share a vision, passion and commitment for this great city.


  • Manchester Health Walks

    The Manchester Health walks are free, open to all and are very accessible. We are keen to support people with long term health conditions, those looking to get and keep active and people affected by cancer on our walks.

    Walking for health

  • Zion & Kath Locke Centres

    Community centres with activities, courses and classes including kundalini yoga and Qigong.

    Zion Centre

    Kath Locke Centre

  • Want to get more active?

    Exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve your fitness and wellbeing.

    NHS: Exercise

  • Manchester Girls Can

    Manchester Girls Can is for all Manchester Women who fancy giving it a go, no matter how good they are or how they look! Fear of judgement is stopping many of us from taking part in exercise but as thousands of women across Manchester are proving, it really doesn’t have to.

    This Girl Can

  • NHS Weekly Activity Guidance

    View information on physical activity guidelines.

    NHS: Physical activity

  • Little Box Gym

    There is a local family-run community gym near St Werburgh’s Road tram stop: “The Gym For People Who Don’t Do Gyms”

    Little Box gym

  • Meetup

    Meetup is a social website collection of get-togethers and you can search for local Manchester Meetups in topics including sport and activity. It is organised around one simple idea: when we get together and do the things that matter to us, we’re at our best. Just getting together with others helps us to feel well.


  • NHS Couch to 5k

    Find out more and download the nine-week set of Couch to 5K podcasts.

    NHS: Couch to 5k

  • Yoga

    In general, a complete yoga workout can help keep your back and joints healthy, improve your overall posture, stretch and strengthen muscles and improve your balance.

    Lishi Tai Chi and Yoga

    The Yoga Rooms

    Yoga Up

    Yoga with Hannah

  • Community gardening

    We have a few local community gardens:
    Moss Side Community Allotment (Bowes Street, Moss Side)

    Riverbank Community Garden (Near Barlow Moor Road Tram stop) that meet regularly from spring to autumn on Tuesday evenings. “We are very informal and just meet up, do some weeding, planting and harvesting and share any harvest

    Chorlton Good Neighbours Community Garden (Wilbraham St Ninians Church, Chorlton)

    St Margaret’s Forever Community Garden (Brantingham Road, Whalley Range) “We meet every Saturday morning 11-1pm weather permitting and in the autumn we have orchard days”

    Orchard49 (Seymore Grove Allotments) The Pankhurst Plot at Chorlton Park.

  • Something else?

    There are many local groups that involve physical activity and which welcome newcomers. Why not rekindle an old hobby or sport, or try something new? Singing is exercise too! Most places welcome beginners so put the fear aside! Doing something new can be life-changing. Here is just a sample of some local groups:

    Solar Salsa – Cuban Salsa classes Tuesdays and Thursday evenings upstairs at The Royal Oak.

    Chorlton Ladies Singing Group – sing contemporary songs and meet new people. No need to book, simply turn up and give it a go! Mondays 7-8.30pm upstairs at The Lloyds, Chorlton.

    Beginners Tai Chi and Qi Gong in Chorlton
    Contact Karen on 07525 054 432 or email

    Beginners Tai Chi at Firswood Community Centre
    Contact John or Vicky 0161 860 4111 or 07507 773717

    Art Class, St Margaret’s Social Centre, Brantingham Road M21 0TT every Tuesday 10-12.30pm open to everyone.
    Contact John on 07503 325645 or email