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Surgery clinics

We provide general medical services (according to the GMS contract) including the management of acute and chronic health problems and are open as detailed in our opening hours page. Urgent needs outside of these hours are provided by NHS 111 by ringing 111 from any phone.

Other services

  • Child health clinics – Health visitors hold weekly baby clinics on Wednesday, by appointment.
  • Antenatal care – the community midwifery team runs antenatal clinics for our patients on Tuesday and Wednesday early afternoon.
  • Routine immunisations
  • Minor surgery – by appointment following GP consultation.
  • Travel advice & vaccination – vaccinations incur a cost to the patient.
  • Family planning & sexual health advice
  • Cervical smears
  • Health screening – NHS health checks for the over 40s
  • Mental Health Practitioner appointments
  • Blood tests
  • Please note that as of 1st October 2024 we are no longer offering a Coil and Contraceptive Implant service. Please make an appointment at Withington Contraceptive Clinic instead.

Blood tests

Blood tests are requested by the GP when the GP wishes to investigate your symptoms or health needs and are usually done at Manchester Royal Infirmary or Trafford General Hospital. You will be provided with the appropriate request form and contact details to arrange your appointment by the GP you see.

You can book an appointment for Manchester Royal Infirmary on 0161 276 4024 (lines open 08:00 – 17:00) or attend the walk in clinic at Trafford General (clinic open between 07:00-16:00).

If you have been asked to have a fasting blood test, please specify this when booking appointment so an early appointment time is offered. Please have nothing to eat nor drink after midnight. Sips of water before the test are permitted. Remember to take your blood form with you for your appointment.

Please check with the doctor if you need to withhold any morning medication until after the blood sample is taken. This may be necessary when we are checking blood levels of medication e.g. Digoxin.

Request an appointment

To request an appointment please visit our Appointments page.