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Fear of Flying

Benzodiazepines and Flying

Chorlton Family Practice has taken the decision not to prescribe diazepam for fear of flying for the following reasons:

  • Diazepam is a Class C/Schedule IV controlled drug with both short term and long-term effects on cognition and balance. It is a widely used drug of abuse.
  • According to the BNF (British National Formulary- the prescribing guideline for UK doctors) diazepam is contraindicated in treating phobic states. It also states that ‘the use of benzodiazepines to treat short term mild anxiety is inappropriate’. Diazepam is only licenced short term for a crisis in generalised anxiety. Fear of flying is not a generalised anxiety disorder and indeed if your anxiety is severe, you should not be flying but seeking immediate medical treatment and support.
  • NICE guidelines suggest that medication should not be used for mild and self-limited health disorders.
  • Diazepam reduces awareness and reaction times which could pose a risk in an emergency on board a flight. If you are drowsy or off balance, you may not be allowed to travel.
  • Diazepam induces non-REM sleep which means you move around less than during a natural sleep. This increases the risk of DVT (deep vein thrombosis).
  • Some people have paradoxical agitation, aggression and disinhibition with diazepam, which could pose a risk to other passengers on board. The combination of alcohol and diazepam could exacerbate this.
  • Diazepam is illegal in a number of countries that you may be flying in or out of and could be confiscated or possession could lead to prosecution.
  • Diazepam remains in your system and if you are submitted to drugs tests e.g. for employment or a visa this may show up.
  • You must declare all medical conditions and medications you take to your travel insurer, if not this may nullify your policy.

Flight anxiety does not come under the remit of General Medical Services as defined in the GP contract and so we are not obliged to prescribe this. Patients who still wish to take this for flight anxiety should consult with a private GP or travel clinic.

We recommend you consider a flight anxiety course:

Easy Jet

British Airways Virgin

Manchester Airport: