Are you a carer?
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Anyone could be a carer – a 15-year-old girl looking after a parent with an alcohol problem, a 40-year-old man caring for his partner who has terminal cancer, or an 80-year-old woman looking after her husband who has Alzheimer’s disease.
Carers Trust – What is a carer?
Let us know if you are a carerFree needs assessment
If you provide unpaid care to friends or family there is information and support available.
Manchester Telephone
0800 234 6123
Trafford Telephone
0300 330 9073
GOV.ukCarers Manchester
Carers Manchester is a group of organisations working together to improve services for Manchester’s unpaid carers. Carers can get in touch with The Contact Point who can provide advice and support.
0161 543 8000
(Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm except bank holidays, and 10am – 6pm on Wednesdays)
Carers Manchester
Email: carer’s assessment
If you provide unpaid care for a friend or relative, you are entitled to a free assessment of your own needs as a carer from the council. You will be entitled to an assessment regardless of the amount or type of care you provide, your financial means or your level of need for support. You don’t necessarily have to live with the person you are looking after or be caring full-time to have an assessment. You may be juggling work and care and this is having a big impact on your life.
Manchester City Council – Caring for someone
Manchester Advocacy Hub – Support for carersTrafford Carers Centre
Trafford Carers Centre supports unpaid carers looking after someone who lives in the Trafford area, including help applying for a Carer’s Assessment by Trafford Council.
0161 848 2400
Trafford Carers CentreManchester Carers Forum
Regardless of whether you care for someone for just one hour per week or 24 hours per day, every day, Manchester Carers Forum is here to help.
They can offer home visits if you would prefer to talk to someone face to face.
0161 819 2226
Manchester Carers ForumYoung Carers
Lots of young people are carers without realising it – often for a family member such as a brother or sister, parent or an older relative. Sometimes it can be for a partner or friend who is ill, frail, has a disability, has a mental health concern or has a drug (or alcohol) addiction.
Manchester City Council
Young Adult Carers (16-25yrs)Carers Trust Trafford
Carers Trust in Trafford offers regular breaks for carers in the Trafford area from a minimum of two hours per week. “We simply take over the role of the carer and care for your loved one whilst you take some time to be yourself and take a well earned break.”
0161 905 1986
Carers Trust TraffordTalbot House
Talbot House supports parents and carers of people who have learning disabilities in Manchester.
Talbot HouseBeing There
Being There is a small charity with support services in Manchester and Trafford providing emotional support and home-based practical help to people with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, along with those closest to them, such as family, friends and carers.
0845 123 23 29
Being ThereTrafford Mencap
Trafford Mencap is a charity that promotes equality for people with a learning disability – helping with new opportunities, new friends, and to feel valued and safe in the community.
0161 928 5678
Trafford MencapThe African & Caribbean Mental Health service
IFEOMA is a carers group that meets on the first Thursday of every month at the Windrush Millennium Centre: support, trips, short breaks, information and advice, respite, alternative treatments, practical help.
0161 226 9562
ACMH services
Email – African Caribbean Care Group
The ACCG delivers Day Care and Home Care services and aims to provide a service to the whole family, not just the person being cared for.
0161 226 6334